Prayer For Healing Relationship- God Restored My Relationship

Prayer For Healing Relationship In Video:

Also Read: Will He Ever Marry Me Or Am I Wasting My Time: 5 Signs To Know

Prayer For Healing Relationship In Written:

This article is all about relationships. Christians should not pull out of relationships or church under any circumstance, such as misunderstanding, disagreement, great conflict, or taking offenses.

Whether you are right or wrong, we should wait patiently for God’s release. Every Christian should realize that if you are in the place where God wants you, the devil will want to offend you to pull out.

The bottom line is, don’t try to make it easy for the devil. In times of great conflict in the relationship or in church, stay where you are; don’t budge.

Attending church is a thing of God. When we go to church, we are answering God’s invitation. Do not leave under any circumstance; wait patiently for God’s release.

God Restored My Relationship With My Ex – Prayer

Let us pray.

Readers all over the world, remember, your heart is the prayer room. Tell Jesus you want to hear His voice. You want to hear His voice.

Let your heart come to Jesus first, in Jesus Christ’s name. At the command of Jesus, Peter walked on the sea.

I command every infirmity, every demon that disturbs your life, every demon that disturbs your business and career, every demon that disturbs you, be cast out, in the name of Jesus!

I say, you demon, be seized, at the command of Jesus! Blind Bartimaeus regained his sight.

At the command of Jesus, I command every infirmity in your spirit, bone, flesh, body – right now, in the name of Jesus to go! Go, in the name of Jesus!

At the command of Jesus, I say to you, every situation that challenges you, that challenges your career, that challenges your way, that challenges you, right now, go, in the name of Jesus!

Go, in the name of Jesus! Darkness is sickness and sickness is darkness, affliction is darkness.

I command that sickness to go in your life! I command that sickness, disease, infirmity to go in your life!

Failure – be seized, in the name of Jesus! Disappointment in your way, right now, be seized, in the name of Jesus! Limitation in progress, I say to you, stop! Leave my people, in the name of Jesus!

I say to you, leave my people! You are the Healer of wounds – inside and outside. Right now, in the name of Jesus, heal their brokenness! Heal their brokenness, in the name of Jesus!

Heal their brokenness, in the name of Jesus, so that they can hold their faith! Heal their brokenness, in the name of Jesus! Rescue them! Rescue their lives, rescue their businesses, in the name of Jesus.

I cover them with the Blood of Jesus. Be covered by the Blood of Jesus! I cover you with the Blood of Jesus!

Everyone who is under the influence of my voice, right now, I say to you, be covered by the Blood of Jesus! Be protected by the Blood of Jesus! I rescue you, in the name of Jesus! Yes, I can hear you being set free.

You are rescued! You are restored, in the name of Jesus! I can hear a breakthrough! Begin to confess this breakthrough. Confess it with all your heart.

Breakthrough! Confess it with all your heart. Say, ‘Breakthrough!’ This is your confession and testimony, right now.

Breakthrough in your business. Breakthrough in your way. Breakthrough in your career. Breakthrough in your health.

Breakthrough, in the name of Jesus! Right now, this is your confession, “I was in the dark; right now, you have brought me into the light. Thank You, Jesus!” In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray.


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